Wells Fargo — South Brevard
Signage and branded graphics program for Wells Fargo Corp Admin Facility located in Charlotte NC. Role: Lead Designer while employed by Kraido, Client: Wells Fargo, 2019. Project scope included: exterior identification signage, building activation graphics, interior lobby signage and graphics, work floor/neighborhood signage and graphics, branded graphic elements
Intel campus wide brand experience graphic program
Contracted through Landor & Fitch to work with internal team to develop interior and exterior branded graphic elements for Intel workplace campuses. Elements were designed as a kit of parts for options to convey specified types of messaging and visual language at designated location types. Elements were designed for both site specific and multi-site implementation. 2021 - 2022
Types of graphic elements included: wall graphics, hallway activation, cubicle graphics, glass graphics, partition graphics, localized social media photo backdrops, telepresence backdrops, exhibit structures, exterior garage and sky bridge graphic treatments. Scope also included development of playbook for outlining graphic selection options and logic for implementation across different campuses.
Below are a few examples of a few of the many workplace graphic elements developed. Some elements are from conceptual phase, not all were implemented.
Wells Fargo WIM (Wealth and Investment Management) sign program
Comprehensive multi-site sign program for Wells Fargo Wealth and Investment Management division.
Role: Lead Designer while employed by Kraido, Client: Wells Fargo, 2020-2021
Project scope included: exterior and interior sign system program for multi-site roll-out across the WIM lines of business (Wells Fargo Advisors and Wells Fargo The Private Bank). Sign program developed as a kit of parts with multiple sign solutions and configurations to address varying architectural and site conditions. Sign types included: building identification signage, monument signs, tenant panel inserts, exterior vehicular and pedestrian wayfinding, information signs, entry door graphics, interior lobby ID signs, suite entry ID signs, interior wayfinding and reception elements. Scope also included development of application guidelines which addressed sign selection logic and implementation instructions. The exhibits below are a few examples of the system components.